Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Kissing Hand

Everyone uses this sweet story to help children start off the new school year with as little separation anxiety as possible.

Here's what I hope to do:

The Virtual Vine suggest a great idea for a classroom book. I think this will be a great way for my 3's to make a special beginning of the year project for our classroom. I plan on using paper plates and attaching a ring to the top to secure it and form a book. I will add a picture when the project is finished. One big thought is that the children are usually all dresses up on the first day, so this means making sure they use a good smock.

I also plan on doing a ink handprint, or a paint handprint (haven't decided yet, probably ink so that it will dry quickly and can get laminated to send home the same day) that includes this little poem taken from this link.

It's my first day of school
And "The Kissing Hand" is what we read.
It's about a raccoon
Who did just as his parents said.

Like the raccoon's first day at school
I was scared and a little shy.
But because of what you said
I was brave and I got by.

All through the year
I'll make more things for you.
So as I change and as I learn
You can see my growth, too!

I would like to do a little more, but I know I should plan on making sure all the kids have gone potty rather than making lots of activities and have children screaming LOL.

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